With fame comes responsibility. Jerry made it to the big
time with a bestselling novel. His publisher organized a book tour and events
to give Jerry the publicity he needed to sell even more books. The final leg of
the tour was an appearance on Dancing with
the Stars. The training was hard work. It was soon obvious to the show’s
producers Jerry would never make the cut.
The publisher did not want to waste a golden opportunity to
sell millions more books. The publisher inked a deal with TG Inc. to have Jerry
dance as Matilda. Jerry balked at the idea, but relented when his publisher
reminded him of his contractual obligation. Jerry figured it was short-term. So
what if he had to sit when he went pee. In a few weeks he could go back to his
old life and retire on the royalties.
As fate would have it Matilda fell in love with her dance
partner. They were the sweetest couple on the ice. The world fell in love with
them. Books sold like crazy. When the competition was over Matilda demanded she
keep her body. She wanted a life with her dance partner, not the old life back.
It saved the publisher and TG Inc. a little change so the request was granted. Now
Matilda does the bed dance with her partner every day. They are madly in love.
How can you turn me into Matilda???? She is so beautiful and sexy!