Friday, August 7, 2015


The invaders attacked Earth with a rapid assault starting in North America. The government collapsed within days; people were herded into concentration camps. The only hope Earth had was to get a message to Captain Alexis of the Community of Worlds’ military armada. Brave men would never survive an attempt to reach the offices housing the relay outside the camp. But a woman could.

Jayden worried about an attack on Earth. Ever since entering the Community of Worlds, Earth has been the most backward planet in the federation. As a result, Earth was at risk from unscrupulous planets bent on empire. Jayden planned for attack just in case.  When the attack came he hid and waited for the dust to settle.

Enough humans still lived to cause problems for the invaders. People were not searched as they were herded into the concentration camps. Jayden counted on the confusion to keep his secret weapon. No man will ever get out of the camp and to the relay station, but… Jayden found a private spot in the camp, a restroom stall. He took the vile of TG dust from his pocket and sprinkled it over his head. No man could, but a woman…

Where Jayden disappeared, Beatrice was born. Beautiful, intoxicatingly beautiful Beatrice was able to convince the guards to accept a night of lust. She used the neurotoxin vile she kept with the TG dust to incapacitate the guards as they finish relieving their stress. Beatrice dressed, took the keys from the guards and left the camp. She made it to the relay station just before dawn. She got the message out to Captain Alexis.

Beatrice returned to the camp to spread the good news. A pretty girl has no problem reentering the camp. The guards let her in. As she excitedly started to tell her story she noticed the guards getting nervous. It seems news travels fast in these parts. The invaders knew Captain Alexis was on her way and when she arrived there would be hell to pay. Beatrice smiled and finished her story. It felt good knowing she did her part to bring freedom back to Earth.

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