Thursday, October 27, 2016

Take Me to Your Leader

First contact surprised everyone, including scientists. The Begok spaceship was sent to Earth to negotiate a treaty and trade agreement. There was only one problem. Earth is the first world with intelligent life with male political leaders. Strange.

A treaty is only valid if signed by the true female leader of all the nations. The Begok delegation had a solution. If each leader wore special girl clothes it would be possible to work out details of the relationship between Earth and the rest of the galaxy. All Earth’s leaders accepted the terms because the discussions would be closed hearings so the public would not see the sissies.

But it wasn’t that easy. Only a girl can sign the negotiated deal. The special clothes did their job turning all the men into girls. Now Earth could be a part of the galactic community since all the leaders were female. Here we see the President of the United States before Hillary took office. Odd how things worked out. The first black President ended up a pretty white girl opening trade with the universe at large. Barak became Becca. Odd.

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