Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Mind Control

Travelling to alien worlds has risks not listed in the tour books. Jonathon was never explained the risks when he booked a tour to Rigel III. He thought since he was with a group it would be safe. Nothing was further from the truth.

On the third day the group had a free day to shop and sight-see on their own. Jonathon browsed the wares of the merchants in the marketplace and eventually got separated from the group. He asked a kindly woman for direction when she used mind control to force Jonathon to a secluded location.

Under the woman’s spell Jonathon stepping into the swapping chamber without question. When the door opened Mary stepped out. The alien woman took Mary to the beach where they started a beautiful friendship. Mary never remembered what happened or that she was once a man. The mind control was that complete

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