Friday, August 21, 2015

Meaning of a Woman

What does it mean to be a woman? Randall always wondered what it would be like to live as a girl. He thought it would be cool to be female, but never thought much about surgery and hormones. It did not seem natural. But when Earth made first contact with alien life all the rules changed.

The Maxines are a warrior species. They are peaceful, but do not shy away from a fight. They also demand their warriors to be women. The technology to bring their ship across the great expanse of space also contains the technology to transform matter into any shape desired. All entering the military among the Maxines are transformed into females. The transformation is so complete it is impossible to tell the individual was ever male.

Randall jumped at the offer when the Maxines opened several positions on their ship. Randall was transformed into an alien woman: Martha. After training she was able to fight any creature and win. Martha’s eyes glowed when her power grew.

The answer is simple: What does it mean to be a woman? Power. Especially over men. 

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