Saturday, August 22, 2015

Dreams Do Come True

The newcomers offered gifts. The government advised caution, but was helpless to stop the aliens from roaming the Earth. The aliens made it clear they came in peace. Many people wanted to believe advanced intelligence is never warlike; they forget human history.

But the aliens are friendly. Concern died down after the thrill wore off. Then people started to get gifts from the visitors from another world. Sick people were healed, the old made young and the poor made wealthy. One disturbing fact no one wanted to talk about were the disappearances.

The number was small at first, yet growing. People were vanishing without a trace. New people were also reported in small towns; young women, bubbly and happy. What is stranger still is the new aliens.

The original aliens are easy to spot. They are all over the news. They look alike. Now, a new alien is starting to appear. And for some reason the new aliens are all female. Marty made the mistake of befriending an alien. He shared his deepest thoughts and secrets.

Marty now knows where the disappeared people go; he also knows who the new aliens are. Marty told his alien friends his desire to be a girl. Seeing the aliens he fantasizes about being a beautiful alien girl. His alien friends give him his wish.

Marty always wanted to take the name Marie, but wanted a more alien sounding name now that he is an alien girl. He thinks for a while and settles on Rieski. So there you have it. Earth makes first contact with benevolent creatures from another world and Marty becomes Reiski, the hot alien chick.

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