Thursday, August 13, 2015

Get It Right

Aliens have tried to infiltrate Earth for centuries. They started by studying human civilization from space and graduated to assimilating spies into social groups. But humans are a strange species. Assimilating human mores and values is nearly impossible for aliens. Humans are just too unique.

Jack wanted to be on the forefront of discovery. Only a select few were able to qualify for an assignment on an alien world preparing an intelligent species for admission into the Community of Worlds. Jack accepted his role as a female human; it was felt a female is more trusted among humans.

Getting it right is another story. The human form is different from other intelligent life. Jack transformed into Tina, but it wasn’t a perfect transformation. He thought he looked like a great human, but humans gave her strange looks. Isn’t he a pretty girl? He thought he was pretty. Tina was designed to be the kind of girl male humans noticed and trusted.

Tina didn’t allow the looks and the talk behind her back to divert her from her task. She knew she would spend the rest of her life as a woman living with humans. It wasn’t that bad. Some guys found her cute and asked her on dates. Other just found her strange. Tina did not care. She loved living with humans. She wants humans to be a part of the Community of Worlds.

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