Sunday, July 17, 2016

The New Girl Is Bashful , Part 2

When we last left Erika and Hunter they were at the end of their wonderful week in each other’s bodies. The TG Inc. swapping party was more than Hunter could ever have imagined. In one short week he learned he enjoyed being a woman more than a man. Now it was time to return to TG Inc. to swap back. Erika was ready for her body back.

Hunter started devising a plan to stay a girl. The only way he could wear a mini skirt that fits perfect is to have a female body. He also wanted to feel being pushed in to. Women had it so much better; Hunter could never go back. He had a plan

Customers were coming and going all the time. When the technician turned to calibrate the equipment, Hunter snuck from his swapping chamber to another. The technician forgot to check the chambers before pushing the button. Then it was over. Hunter was no longer his wife, Erika. She was now Glenda and this was a permanent swap. Erika ended up a guy again, Barry; too bad.

After Barry tore Glenda a new one they went home. It took a while, but Barry adjusted. For some reason the last swap made Barry horny as hell. We could say Glenda was put off by the turn of event, but then we would be lying and you know it is not nice to lie.  You must admit, it was a good plan Hunter had. I bet you agree with me Glenda turned out fine.

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