Thursday, June 29, 2017


The surgery theatre of a hospital should always be sterile. But true sterility is impossible. Surgery rooms are used again and again with a complete cleaning between each use.

John delayed as long as he could the dreaded prostate cancer surgery. Eventually there was no more waiting; the surgery had become a medical imperative. Everything seemed routine as he went under. Little did John know the previous surgery in that room was a gender reassignment surgery where nanobots were used in conjunction with the surgery.

John came out of surgery with everything going as expected. Then the changes started. First breasts started growing followed by a softening of the skin. Then the big change happened; his manhood shrank until it inverted. Within a week, by the time it was time for release from the hospital, John no longer existed. We now call her Zoe.

Zoe could have sued the hospital for everything it had for not cleaning the surgery adequately, but Zoe felt she had received a two for one special. Now that I think about it, she never really needed the prostate surgery since the nanobots did away with the whole prostate thing.


  1. Oh Kay.....
    Such a great story and I pray it comes true Friday!!!!!
    After the surgery please send me that bra and panty, it's beautiful and I hope that I will need it! And you have given me a great body, beautify hair and a pretty face. Thank you Kay!!!!! Zoe

  2. Kay,
    Today is the day! Surgery later this morning and I am counting on you to make sure the nanabots are in the operating room I have my panty drawer full and ready to use for the first time as a real girl then looking forward to girl shopping for the rest of the essentials!!!! thanks for making my dream come true. Zoe
