Saturday, April 22, 2017

Game Face

Tyler couldn’t believe what he did. It all started out as an innocent game of poker. The guys from college planned a get-together to relive the great times they had before careers and romantic relationships took over life. The evening started out with alcohol and great stories. Eventually the guys sat down to a good game of poker.

To make the game interesting the guys upped the odds. Instead of playing for money they played for chips and each step of the way they lost clothes and finally, for one lucky loser, a dip in the nanobot pool. The game went on for hours before Tyler started a streak of bad luck. Before long he was stepping into the pool filled with nanobots that changed him into Becky.

On the way home Becky stopped by the mall for appropriate clothing for a woman. He browsed all the women’s clothing stores buying a tight sequin dress, bras, panties, and stilettos. As Becky walked up the sidewalk to the front door he stopped and turned to look back. At first he thought he looked back because he remembered he left the packages of clothes in the car, but then he realized he was looking back and saying goodbye to an old life he’ll never see again.

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