Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Command of Authority

Once a man gains a position of authority it changes the way he holds his body the rest of his life. Senior prosecutor to the county, Morris Beck, adjusted to his position better than most. His ego made the transition easy. Justice is served in strange ways, however. Morris was humbled when the FOSE hit while he was in court trying a woman for owning a lingerie shop.

Beautiful women should not be allowed to hold positions of authority, including business owner, according to Morris. Morris trumped up a charge and took it to trial. It was a sunny late autumn day when reality struck hard. The FOSE hit while the prosecution made their bullshit case. Of course, Morris couldn’t keep his mind and eyes off Peggy, the accused; she came dressed in one of her best-selling products.

The FOSE hit worldwide, but only Morris and Peggy knew it in the courtroom. Morris was now standing in the silk negligee and robe. Peggy, a hell of a lot smarter than Morris, realized what happened and never missed a beat. Morris tried to explain what happened. The judge and jury laughed. Peggy was a far better salesman, ahem, than Morris. She sold the jury that Peggy should be put in jail. And so it was.

Morris ended up in jail in Peggy’s body while Peggy brought reform to the district attorney’s office. Morris eventually adjusted; he even liked wearing lingerie and satisfying her boyfriend. Peggy, in Morris’s body allowed Morris, in Peggy’s body, to continue as a successful shop owner. In the end justice was served.

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