Friday, February 24, 2017

Balancing Act

Ever since Tyler had the sex change into Patricia she has had problems. Sure, the looks from all the guys are nice. Clothes are the best part. Dressing up pretty is so awesome and something boys never really get to do. The problems are with her body. There is a monthly visitor that is not nearly as much fun as Patricia imagined it would be. And walking is a real issue. The wider hips changes the way she walks; there is more of a swing to the hips and she moves.

As nice as the clothes are, heels are a killer. A dress and heels are the perfect excuse for wearing pantyhose, but a day walking in heels is murder on the calves. And then there are those embarrassing moments like you see in the picture. Patricia sometimes still loses her balance and ends up on the pavement. The only good thing about falling is the help men offer. It is also the way she met Kyle, her boyfriend.

Patricia still struggles with walking in stilettos. She gets up every time, brushes herself off, checks her pantyhose for snags, and carries on. To be honest, Patricia loves being a woman in need. Not only is she a drama queen, she is an attention hound. Here is to a successful transformation.

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