Friday, January 27, 2017

Paulette Has a Taste in Her Mouth

On Rendor V they play a paintball game like no other. In this version of the game challengers face off to settle legal disputes. It keeps the prison population and taxes low. One paintball in each gun is loaded with TG virus. As long as it does not touch your skin you are fine; if it does. . .

Paul had a score to settle and accepted the order to solve the disagreement on the paintball court. All players are required to wear a suit and helmet to prevent permanent injury. It was a fierce game. Paul dodged every paintball shot at him. Paint splattered against the walls around him as he ducked and dodged. When the game was over he noticed his suit was loose. He stripped down as his opponent handed him a compact, laughing.

1 comment:

  1. Great cap friend as always. Loved the cap. And i love the fact that its a game.
