Monday, January 23, 2017

Girl Class

The huge increase in girls from new TG Incorporated technologies caused several problems. Government regulations were sure to follow if TG Inc. couldn’t get their girls to act like, well, girls. Mandatory attendance in a Girl Class is now part of the transformation process, where you learn to act like a proper woman.

Jake is a prime example why you don’t let a guy turned into a girl loose on the city. As Carrie, she had to learn all the mannerisms of a woman. Walking in heels is always a challenge, but crossing legs when wearing a mini skirt in imperative if you are to keep peace. Man spread on a woman can lead to some nasty brawls among the men looking to capitalize on the offer.

Carrie also had to learn how to accept a drink. A woman does not buy drinks. That is a man’s job. A woman knows she will pay the guy back for the drinks later. And last, a woman needs to handle offers for a date. It is a fine art and TG Inc. spends ample time training their women to handle it right.

We live in civilized times now. 

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