Monday, September 12, 2016

The Guardian of Forever

Max Beefcake and his team of Marines discovered the Guardian of Forever portal from the original Star Trek series episode The City on the Edge of Forever. It was always thought to be a myth, but rumors of an alien abduction in the 1960s persisted. The Star Trek writers told the story from their recollection of the abduction. Now Max and his team are staring at the portal with their own eyes.

There were subtle differences between the real portal and that from the TV show. The real portal had no smoke billowing from it; it seemed to be turned off. The men walked around the structure and started recording the event. Max decided to walk through the portal. As he passed through he transformed into. . .  Well, she was at least still a soldier.

The guys started laughing until Max, or should I say, Maxine, proceeded to kick the shit out of the men. Maxine is just as much a Marine and team leader as Max was. Now the team knows why the portal was kept secret. If word got out you could be a woman by walking through the portal half the galaxy would be here.

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