Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Senior Pictures

The aliens worked hard to fit in when they visited Earth. The promise of peace between the worlds was upheld only because humans tolerated the crazy aliens. The aliens always wanted to please humans so they granted wishes even when they were only thoughts. Here is Carl after passing an alien on the street. Carl had a crush on Amanda and would have died to be just like her. Well, now he was.

That was four years ago when Carl graduated from high school. He had to endure college as a girl. The guys loved how awkward Amanda was. Her choice in fashion caused a few heads to turn. Senior pictures became a sensation. Every guy in the university bought a copy or three for their own personal needs. Amanda tried hard to be a normal girl. She never understood why guys kept telling her her headlights were on when she did not even drive to school. And what is up with the caravan of camel jokes?

Oh, well. Amanda was happy. Her old life as Carl faded as the years went by. She learned to love guys and has been in a steady relationship for two years now and living together for a year now. It proves you can be happy when you get what you want, even if it is an unspoken wish.

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