Thursday, May 5, 2016


The warnings were clear; travel to the Mentel Colony on Perius Prime was not recommended. Gangs controlled the colony and tourists were not safe. This made Mentel Colony all the more exciting to Grant. Grant loved the adventure and Mentel would be the ultimate adrenaline rush.

The rush ended two days after arriving on the colony. A gang of women grabbed him and pulled a hood over his head. Grant was taken to a room and kept restrained. The hood was the worst part. He was never allowed to see anything. Every day he was administered an injection. He was also certain his food was laced with something, but he didn’t know what.

Within a few weeks Grant could tell his hair had grown long and he had breasts. It seems every time he fell asleep he woke a bit more feminine. At least he could still stand when he used the restroom, until he woke this morning. He was forced to sit when he went.

The women took him to a mirror and pulled off the hood. Wow! Grant was hot. The women game her a new name: Peggy. Peggy wanted to go home and put Mentel Colony behind her. The women snickered. Peggy will need money to book passage off Mentel Colony. She was assured it would take a lot of leg work to earn that ticket back home.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Krazy Kay,
    When I saw this picture I knew that it was meant to be me! What a body and beautiful lingerie, just what I love!!!!! Make me happy and put me into that bra and panty!!!!! Love, Zoe
