Monday, April 11, 2016

Anything For You, My Brother

Switching placed with his sister was the only solution. Kenny had the grades, but Breanne had the looks to get her into the Society. The Society only allowed the best looking people with the highest intelligence in. The benefits to the family were immense if Kenny could get in using Breanne’s body.

The family pooled their money to pay for a swapping chamber session. After the swap Kenny applied for membership in the Society. He was accepted. Now came the hard part. Kenny would have to stay in Breanne’s body for life. Eventually he would have to marry and have children all with his sister’s body.

At first it seemed like an impossible task. As time went by Kenny and Breanne adjusted to their new bodies. Before long it seemed natural. In less than a year Kenny and Breanne agreed they preferred their new bodies. The fix was in. Kenny had a hot body he could put to work landing a husband and starting a family, all thanks to the Society.

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