Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Argument

Brett and Monica went clothes shopping at the Changing Room. After three hours of trying on clothes Brett was getting bucky. He sat quietly as Monica tried one outfit after another. Then he would give positive feedback as Monica modeled for him. But something was always not quite right so she went for more outfits to try on.

Finally Brett was fed up with his wasted afternoon and said even he would look awesome in the outfit Monica was wearing. Well, Monica demanded Brett back his words up. Brett stepped into the changing room as Monica tossed the clothes she wanted him to wear. Monica demanded Brett go all the way as a girl when dressing up, panties and all.

When he stepped out of the changing room Monica let out a whistle and clapped. Brett looked good even with the attitude. The store clerk commented on how well the outfit complimented his body type. Brett had had enough of the high heel boots and low cut dress. He went back into the changing room.

When the changing room finished, ah, changing Brett into the woman he was dressed to be, he, ah, she stepped out of the changing room. “Pretty as a button,” Monica said. “I’ll take her.” The shopping trip was over. Monica got what she really wanted, Rachel, her new girlfriend.


  1. Thank you, Anon. It is all much clearer now than it was at 2 in the morning.Normally I am a stickler on grammar and spelling. I'll blame it on the holiday weekend if you are so kind as to let it slip.

    — Kay
