Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Bounty Hunter

Some bounty hunters are easy to spot. Altair is no ordinary bounty hunter. As commander of the Galactic League and the Community of Worlds, Captain Altair protected the innocent worlds from aggressors. But Captain Altair was more myth than legend. If she is a real person she lived for thousands of years and hasn’t been seen for thousands more. If she ever existed she is surely dead by now.

Rumors, unverified and probably unfounded, say Captain Altair wears a body suit. As she ages or faces impossible odds, she finds a replacement to continue the myth. They say it is the body suit that gives Altair her powers. Nobody really knows. Whoever wears the suit becomes Altair,even if it is a man asked to fill her high heel boots.

While the fleet patrolled the Sagittarius Spiral Arm of the galaxy, Altair disappeared forever. The official report said Captain Altair retired after a long career. All we know is competent commanders followed in her footsteps. The body of Altair was never found.

A talented bounty hunter on the flagship of the fleet disappeared around the same time. His name was Obadiah. Almost to the day a new bounty hunter arrived on the scene, a woman bounty hunter, a bounty hunter with skills never seen before.

Now a bounty hunter has touched down on Pelican Bay, an outpost near the galactic core. Gangs have murdered and raped around the colony for years. The colony lives in fear. Now this strange bounty hunter has arrived. If this bounty hunter is Obadiah converted into Altair, god help the war lords terrorizing the colony. The last time a mysterious bounty hunter in a body suit visited and outpost world under attack over 12,000 marauders were dead in three days and only one woman is claimed to have killed them all. Welcome back Captain Altair. Welcome to Pelican Bay. 

1 comment:

  1. Wonder who else will fill the shoes, when he dies.
    Nice using a baroness pic. Kay.
