Sunday, November 15, 2015

Dream State

Zelda IV is considered the most beautiful planet in the galaxy. Ed agrees. His trip to Zelda is nothing short of awesome. There is only one problem. Soon after he arrived he started to feel like he was walking in a dream.

The dream grew stronger each day. Soon he noticed changes in his appearance. Over the course of a week Ed transformed into a girl. But is it real or a dream? It is so confusing. It seemed natural to sit when using the restroom and then wipe. Sally sounded like her real name. What a beautiful planet.

Sally started wearing makeup. She felt as pretty as the planet, so peaceful and calm. The dream grew more real each day. She knew who Ed was and was well aware she was converted/transformed into a woman. She just did not care.

The vacation should be nearing its end, but two kind women offered her a place to stay. Sally was told she has a job on Zelda now in hospitality. What they meant was Sally serviced men. Of course Sally remembered her past, she just did not care. The dream was where she wanted to spend the rest of her life.

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