Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Fighting Back

I was out of options. I either had to succumb to their demands or destroy them. I chose to destroy them. Who are they? Why the Church of Scientology, of course.

What kind of church refuses to let a member leave? What kind of church destroys a person’s reputation just because they want to leave? For me, the church worked hard to keep me in the fold. I lost control as I entered adulthood and that is something the church cannot stand. I tried; I really did. But I could not follow the teachings of a guy named Ron who thought aliens tossed evil beings, thetans, into a volcano that infest people. Can’t do it.

Before I could escape they captured and imprisoned me. Weeks of solitary did not change my mind so they changed me from Samuel to June. They did a good job; I admit that, but they ripped my life from me so I am fighting back.

A Scientologist does know a thing or three about science and I know how to make things go BOOM! really big. I planned on destroying the heart of the organization. I rented a cube van and filled it with fertilizer and diesel. I drove to the headquarters of the church and parked the van. I looked up at the cross on the center of the building. What non-Christian church does that? I set the timer and walk quickly from the scene. The explosion should be large enough to take down most of the building. I want that son-of-a-bitch Miscavige, the leader of the horror show and as many of his freaks as I can kill.

Moments later, after I was well out of sight, the explosion ripped through the afternoon breeze. Scientology headquarters is a pile of rubble. That bastard never understood that when he made me a woman he also made me a bitch and payback is a bitch.

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