Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Life Aboard Ship

Life in space is difficult in the best of times, even on a modern galaxy class starship. Since the beginning of space travel it was known women handle space better. The female body can handle acceleration and weightlessness better. At first men were a major part of space travel, but as longer journeys were planned it was apparent men would no longer participate in deep space.

The demand grew for a technology to improve men so their bodies can handle the rigors of deep space travel. Several technologies solved the problems for men: hormones and surgery, nanobots, body swaps, swapping chambers, body suits, girly lights, TG dust and potions. Men with a burning desire to travel to exotic worlds flocked to labs offering full gender reassignment.

Even as a woman life was tough on missions, years away from any planet with no chance of help should something go wrong. And you can guess what an entire ship of women is like. Most people on the ship had few duties until arrival at their destination. Here we see Wayne resting on deck. He chose the body suit treatment and assumed the identity Kara.

Kara is a highly trained exobiologist. When they reach Beta V she will be a busy girl building the colony life support and food systems. Until then she enjoys a quiet life. At least she isn’t lonely. Kara has many girlfriends aboard and she enjoys their company to the fullest.

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