Sunday, June 14, 2015


Aunt Edna died. She was loved by everyone in the family. Edna was also very rich. The family could not wait for the reading of the will.

The reading of the will was bittersweet for Owen. Everyone in the family loved Aunt Edna because she had money and they were hoping they were in the will, but Owen not only loved Aunt Edna, he spent time with her, took time to understand her life and feelings. Aunt Edna was the mother Owen never had as his mother died when he was an infant.

Owen encouraged Aunt Edna to use her money to do good. He wasn’t rich himself, but he lived a frugal lifestyle so he had all he needed. Owen preferred Aunt Edna alive than the money. The whole family turned on Owen when the will was read. Aunt Edna gave all her money to charity leaving Owen a chest of clothing, the only legacy left to any family member.

The tension caused Owen to withdraw from his family. He lived on his investments having retired early. Owen always felt happy before, but now with Aunt Edna gone he felt empty and alone. Owen decided to see what Aunt Edna left him.

He opened the trunk. It was half filled with clothing. Not old-fashioned stuff Owen expected. The clothes were new and brightly colored. A medallion and note were on top the clothes. The note told Owen to wear the top outfit of the stack of clothing in the chest. Edna said she knew it was a weird request but that Owen just needed to follow her advice.

The pink outfit looked cute… if he were a woman. He shrugged and put it on anyway. Even followed the directions and wore the panties, wig and medallion belt buckle. Owen checked himself out in the full length mirror after he finished dressing. He had to admit he looked good. Perhaps too good.

Owen couldn’t believe it. The buckle was a Jewel of Odan. Owen put on the clothing and medallion while thinking of Aunt Edna. Now he was a spitting image of Aunt Edna when she was a young woman. Owen didn’t realize how hot his aunt was. Owen dug to the bottom of the chest to see if there were any other surprises. It seems Aunt Edna wanted to assure Owen was financially set, more set than he already was. She left sizable investments in his new name: Edna. An old name for sure, but the most beautiful Owen ever heard.

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