Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Queen Seelee

The only way Alexander could save the Matubee people was to become their queen. Disease decimated the world. Alexander developed a cure, but the fiercely independent people of Matubee did not trust outsiders. The species was doomed unless Alexander could get to them.

It was underhanded. Alexander and his team kidnapped the queen of the tribe. Alexander underwent surgery and training to take the queen’s place. As you can see, Alexander is a perfect doppelganger of Queen Seelee.

Alexander slipped into Matubee society without any problems. The few faux pas he committed were the result of stress from the weather, he told his court. No one dared question the queen so they believed. Alexander used his authority as Queen Seelee to spread the cure. The death rate was out of control and people feared their queen would be next. Alexander promised he was powerful enough as queen to never succumb to sickness.

Once the cure was added to the food supply the death rate immediately began to drop to normal levels for a preindustrial society. Before long the population slowly started growing again. It was time for Alexander to hang up his queen’s robe and return to his own life. The real Queen Seelee was helped with medication and mental conditioning before she was returned to her people.

Alexander took one last moment to reflect before the doctor put him under. Surgery would give him his old body back. But he would miss life as queen. He felt good when he was a woman in control, in power. Alexander envied Queen Seelee. 

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