Friday, May 1, 2015

Dance of Words

Humans think of language as the spoken word, but on many worlds the highest form of communication use no words at all. On Zeltare they use music to communicate and on Quinlep 6 they use body odor to communicate. And here we see Martha communicate with dance, considered the highest form of communication in the Wontel Federation.

Martha did not always communicate by dance. When he came from Earth, a scientist fresh out of an Ivy League school, Terry was an over-serious man bent on building a career. But in the Wontel Federation only women had rights. Terry did the only thing a serious scientist could do; he accepted the gender reassignment to further mankind’s knowledge.

Now Terry spends his days in long conversations learning all he can about Wontelian culture. Terry enjoys talking with his hosts. There is so much to learn from these highly civilized people. It will take a career, a lifetime, to get a firm understanding of what makes the Wontel Federation so dominant in the galaxy. Terry is up to the task. Besides, he can’t see himself as anyone but Martha anymore.

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