Friday, April 10, 2015

Opportune Break Down

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The women of Bendigo III are considered ugly by most species in the galaxy. That is the reason why Bendigo III has few visitors. When Captain Altair set down for repairs the Bendigans were nonstop help. Larry decided to take R&R and see the planet. Several of the Bendigan women acted as tour guides.

Larry found Bendigo III a remarkable, beautiful planet. The majesty of the scenery beat any to be found throughout the galaxy. After three days touring the planet several of the female guides gave Larry an offer. They offered him a life of royalty and comfort if only he would make Bendigo III his home. Larry hesitated when he was told they would make him look like a Bendigan woman. But the idea grew on him. He agreed.

Now Larry goes by the name Maxine. Most species consider him ugly. Larry thinks Bendigan women are outrageously sexy. Larry found a muscular Bendigan man to marry and bore him many children. Maxine looks back fondly now on the fortunate day Captain Altair had engine trouble on her ship and set down on Bendigo III. It was the best break-down ever.

1 comment:

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