Saturday, April 18, 2015


Could Bentar really get away with it? The biggest scam in history was unfolding before the eyes of the Paxelian people as they saw their newly elected leader take the oath of office. President Christine Chazella placed her palm on the Book of Nanuck and spoke the oath.

The people cheered as they gained new hope from their new leader. Bentar and his gang kidnapped president elect Christine Chazella the night before and forced her into a swapping chamber with Bentar. When the switch was complete they disposed of Bentar’s old body containing Christine Chazella.

Bentar felt a rush of female hormones race through his body, excited about his ruse and female body and what it can do. His plan to rule Paxel VII with his gang of thugs was nearly complete. He would use his position to dismantle the Council and Congress before assuming Supreme Command of the world.

But several Councilmembers noticed changes in their new President. When confronted and interrogated the President did not know the code words planted on the real President to prevent a body snatch as Bentar committed. Advanced interrogation techniques forced Bentar to disclose his crime and accomplices.

Bentar’s thugs were arrested and executed, but Bentar was taken to a prison island and used as a prostitute as a warning to any that would consider such an act of treason in the future. For some reason others tried . And always male. Go figure. 

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