Thursday, April 23, 2015

Dream World

If I could be anything I wanted I would be a queen for a day, Keith thought. I would be queen of a whole world and would dazzle all who saw me as I strode before the people. Keith’s dream was no fantasy. For you see, on Xexter II, the dream world, all dreams became reality.

Keith heard about Xexter II years ago and saved every dime he earned so he could buy a ticket to Xexter. He was so excited now that he was enroute to his dream of a lifetime. On arrival he was treated like royalty. He was led to a dream chamber and placed inside. His dream was read by the computer. Once the parameters were set the chamber filled with fog as the nonobots and computer went to work. When the process was done the fog cleared and the door opened. Out stepped Belinda, queen of Bentalla IV.

You see, dreams become real on Xexter II. Keith really transformed into Belinda, the woman of his dreams. The transformation is for life. The world of Bentalla IV lost their beloved queen to illness and Keith will now be their queen. “The queen of a world,” Keith thought. “How wonderful to be adored by everyone on an entire planet.”

Our newly created Belinda trained easily. Her desire to act like a proper queen was unequaled. She dressed, walked, talked, and acted the part. News outlets the world over agreed Queen Belinda is the most beloved queen Bentalla IV ever had. In the dark of night Keith has a tear in his eye as he reflects on his life. Life has been good. Very good, indeed.

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