Saturday, November 5, 2016

Remembering Mom

Dad wanted to put the pain of his wife’s death behind him by taking his boys on vacation to Mystery Island. Dad and the boys needed to get away and the travel agent recommended Mystery Island. Too bad dad had no idea what Mystery Island is.

It was a pleasant flight and the hotel room was awesome. Then they were invited to a welcome party where they were turned into girls. It was over before they knew what was happening. Later, they would learn the travel agent set them up with the permanent transformation package. Our new girls would never mind.

Now Bethany and Linda are enjoying quality time with their dad, Missy. They all share great memories of mom, but they had to move on while still holding the memories close. What better way of doing that than as women. Mom would have been proud. They are a close knit family.


  1. Kay, after my wife died I needed to get away as did my sons so we took a cruise for a week to the Caribbean's. While it was a nice escape for us, nothing like this happened to us. Guess I used the wrong travel agent, darn! Zoe

    1. Thanks Kay...Feb will be 8 years and not an easy road, being a single Dad trying to raise three good sons. That is why I more often feel like a mom than a day and would welcome the transition to become a real woman so my panty collection would fit and I could shop like a real woman......

  2. ,,,and I lost my dad a month before my wife. Now taking care of mother in law in nursing home so you see why I feel more like a daughter. Can you help?
