Sunday, July 30, 2017

Happy Anniversary, Michelle

It has been so long I don’t remember what it was like when I was a man. Ten years ago. I remember it like yesterday, but everything that came before is all a foggy dream. Ten years ago today I made my last of two trips to Neenah.

Theda Clark Hospital is one of the best in the world when it comes to gender reassignment surgery. Doctor Schrang always had time to discuss my concerns. I’ll admit, I was scared. The second trip removed any manhood I had left; there was no going back. My original fear evaporated quickly. I was making the right choice, the choice I should have made years ago.

Wisconsin is a cold place and it was cold that early October day. A few flurries mixed with the colorful leaves blowing in the wind. The wind chewed into my cheeks as I walked from the hotel to the hospital. No matter what my body said I was already a woman, a beautiful woman.

The waiting is the hardest part and there isn’t much to do while waiting in Neenah, Wisconsin. So I drank beer in the hotel bar. A wonderful young woman, the bartender, talked the hours away with me. She liked the name I picked: Michelle. A pretty name, she said, for a pretty girl. She is still a Facebook friend.

The ten year anniversary has me thinking as does a TG captioning blogger from northern Wisconsin. She does not know it, but I know the general area where she lives. She gave hints without knowing it. I’m such a stalker. I don’t have the money to go visit her, but I know she lives straight north of Neenah in a backwoods area around the small town of Lena. Her name is Alice. She is as kind and thoughtful as the bartender.

Tonight I pour myself a beer in celebration of my personal victory. Alone in my living room I lift my glass and say, “To you Alice, wherever you live in that frosty wonderland.” A tear comes to my eye. I have a friend out there. Her and her husband and daughters and five cats live a quiet backwoods life and could care less about my gender. They see me as a good person, no more. I lift my glass again. “To you, Alice.”

Thursday, July 27, 2017

The High Cost of Education

Heavy college costs require some students to take on any job they can get. Brad worked hard to get into college and now he did whatever was necessary to pay to stay. His college had opportunities in the lab. New technologies needed test subjects. Once in a while Brad would suffer a minor rash, dizziness or sleepiness when he volunteered for a study. It was all worth it. The fees paid are incredibly high.

The latest study paid more than any other in history. The test required two subjects, preferable boyfriend/girlfriend. The fee was so high that Brad and his girlfriend, Marie, would be set for the remainder of their college careers. Brad talked Marie into it in short order.

The test was simple. Brad and Marie lay on separate beds next to each other. A special leather helmet is fit over the top of the head like a helmet with wires coming out from all directions. The experiment will copy the mind of each individual and write it to the other person’s brain. In effect, they will switch brains. Brad knew it would be hot to live in Marie’s body for a while.

The test went smooth. After playing with their new bodies for a while, Brad dressed in the hottest outfit Marie had in her closet and went out for an interview with the press. The sensation was awesome! Marie enjoyed Brad’s body, but Brad was going wild with Marie’s body.

After their fun and interviews with the press, it was time to have their minds switched back to their original bodies. When the procedure was done Brad sat up confused. He was still in Marie’s body. He had faint images of Marie’s memories, but he was in her body. Marie had a similar experience.

The scientists worked hard to discover the problem. It was soon discovered that the human mind only would allow one transfer. Brad and Marie were stuck in each other’s body. Marie was a little pissed, but Brad was taking it very well.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Military Exercise

The vortex phenomenon was growing. Scientists discovered Earth was passing through a section of space with millions of vortex bubbles. What scientists couldn’t understand was how the vortexes transformed men into women instantly, nor could they figure out how to change them back.

Shielded homes and cars were developed. The military shielded all their equipment. Steve was part of the training exercise the Navy conducted. The ship was shielded, of course. The exercise was to test a new weapon against the vortex bubbles. The hope was the military could defuse them high above the Earth. Steve’s job was to fire the weapon. For safety reasons the Navy conducted the exercise in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Right on schedule a swarm of vortexes approached the Earth. Timing was everything. The shield had to come down for a second each time the weapon was fired. The first few shots were off. They could not tell if the vortexes were neutralized. Then they started to come faster. A vortex slipped through the shield and hit Steve!

Steve stopped firing the weapon. It didn’t matter to him anymore; the vortexes didn’t affect females. Steve walked to the deck and found the captain. He was granted leave. His military career was over as far as Steve was concerned. He would sit back and collect combat pay.

The military gave Steve a new identity as Sandra. He kept the uniform as a keepsake. Steve has lots of free time now to party with the boys when they sail into port. Too bad the weapon had no affect on the vortexes.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

What Frankie Does For the Job

Request by: Anon

Bugsy Malone was the untouchable mob boss until Gracie, his mistress, contacted Frankie to build a case against the crime family.  Gracie provided valuable information to bring charges against Bugsy and his gang, but Frankie needed hard evidence.

Frankie proposed a swap with Gracie for a few days while he went undercover to get the proof he needed to bring this case to a head. Gracie agreed. Frankie took full advantage of Gracie’s body. He checked out his new body in the mirror, drinking in the milky white skin and every curve on his chest and ass.

It took two weeks for Frankie to get what he needed. When it was time to turn back, Gracie smiled at him and said, “I’m keeping your body. You can have mine.”

“I don’t think so honey,” Frankie said grabbing Gracie’s arm forgetting he had the female body now and she has his well-toned male body. He released the grip when he saw the look on Gracie’s face.

Gracie leaned in close. “I’ll tell Bugsy what you did. You and your family’ll be dead before this gets to trial.” “You bitch,” was all Frankie could think to say. “We go our own ways and I’ll keep quiet,” Gracie said. “You need to get back to Bugsy, honey,” Gracie continued. “He doesn’t like to be kept waiting.” 

Monday, July 24, 2017

Girl for a Weekend

Sam felt like partying. His luck had finally changed when he met the witch that offered him three wishes. At first he thought it was a joke so he wished for money. Lots of money. The witch handed him a dollar to buy a lottery ticket. Sam won. The joke turned serious as a heart attack in an instant.

Now that Sam knew he had a real two wishes remaining he wanted to focus on what he wanted most. He always wanted to know what it was like to be a girl for a day, maybe a weekend. With a mischievous grin he looked up, returning from his thoughts, and said to the witch, “I want to be a girl, a happy girl.” And so it was. Sam turned into Helen in an instant and started dancing in the street.

Sam had the best weekend of his life as Helen. Now it was time to go back to his old life. The witch just smiled when Sam asked for his last wish to be returned to his own body. “Oh, honey,” the witch said. “You already used your three wishes.” “No, I didn’t,” Sam shot back. “Oh yes, you did,” the witch smiled. “You asked for money, then to be a girl, and last to be a happy girl.” Sam remembered stuttering out the words, but… The witch cupped Sam’s chin in her hand. “You better get used to living as Helen.” 

Sunday, July 23, 2017

The 'ol Switcheroo Con

Martin has had troubles with his new body. Swapping with his girlfriend was the greatest idea he had. It was even better when Sally loved the idea. But Martin had no idea Sally wanted his body to disappear from the world. Martin isn't upset he will spend the rest of his life as Sally.

Sally had some legal troubles unbeknownst to Martin. Once in Sally’s body it became abundantly clear when he was arrested. It took months, but eventually he proved he wasn't Sally, he is Martin. Now Martin has to adjust to his new body. For the most part it goes well; except for the finer points, like riding a bike in a mini skirt and thong.

Martin could care less. He enjoys the looks and catcalls. Every day he rides his new bike in his new body, wearing his new skirt and new thong. The hell with etiquette, he wants to ride his bike. Besides, he gets more offers to dinner this way. He hasn't paid for a meal (or rent) in months. Sally’s loss is Martin’s gain.

You Can Find it in a Library

I remember the first time I met Miss Dinger. It was the first time I walked into a library and there she was, all slim and meek and quiet with a soft smile. She looked at me through her hair and for a fifteen year old boy it awakened a desire in me that had outward manifestations and she noticed. Miss Dinger and I became friends as I visited the library every day after that and took an interest in reading for the first time.

Miss Dinger introduced me to worlds I never knew existed. There they were, large and bold, hidden within the books of the library. I could travel to the future, to ancient civilizations, to worlds unknown all with the turn of the page. As our friendship grew I confided in Tracy, (yes, I call Miss Dinger by her first name now) that I wanted to be like her. She thought I meant I wanted to be a librarian. My look must have told her she was wrong. She soon figured out I wanted to be her. Exactly like her.

Tracy smiled, took my hand, and led me to a back room. She showed me an old, old book on its own pedestal. She slowly opened the pages stopping at a full page sketching with caption. The sketch showed a pair of chambers with light coming out of them. Tracy smiled as she pulled back a curtain at the back of the room revealing the chambers from the book. Without a word she helped me enter a chamber. I was so excited! I knew Tracy was going to swap bodies with me. She stepped into her chamber. In a flash I was in her body.

By now it was after hours for the library. Tracy dressed me like a sexy librarian and took this picture. That was three years ago. I go to the library often. I love books. I love switching bodies with Tracy. People say we are strange because our ages are so different and we are dating. Who cares what “they” think. I spend more time as Tracy than as me and we've never been happier.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Missed Her to Sister

My sister is the best. When I was stood up by my date she made sure I did not stay down for long. We had a favorite game—my favorite game—we played whenever we had the chance. Peggy always knew how I felt and we were close (not that close; get your mind out of the gutter). But that night was the worst. The girl of my dreams stood me up. The hurt went real deep.

So Peggy took me to her room where we played my favorite game: dress up. She even faux turned when I undressed and pulled on the panty she gave me. By the end of the night we were laughing as I turned out to be one awesome girl.

It was at that moment, when I was happiest, that Peggy hugged me and smiled. “I gave you magic panties to wear. “ I looked in the mirror. “So that is why I look so good.” Peggy could make me look like quite the girl, but that night was the best.

I had to capture the moment. I stripped to my sister’s skives and took a selfie. I know what you’re thinking. I was not sad or bored. Well, maybe a little sad; the girl of my dreams ditched me. Rather, I was more content than any other time in my life. Peggy started calling me Rhonda. I liked the name. Want to know something else? Less than six months later the boy of my dreams took me out on the dream date I had planned for the girl of my dreams. It was her loss.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Antique Shop

Jack has been all smiles ever since he held the Jewel of Odan and became Molly. Around town people started asking about Jack and his whereabouts. People were concerned after he disappeared for weeks. Jack smiled behind his disguise. Jack does not exist anymore, Molly does.

A few people began connecting the dots. Molly arrived just about the same time Jack went AWOL. Jack was concerned the police might get ideas Molly did Jack in. Nothing came of it except idle talk. Molly started to blend into the community while people started to forget Jack ever lived.

Things were certainly different as a guy. Jack was a loner nobody cared about. People knew who he was and might nod and smile as they passed on the street, but they never really cared. People noticed Molly instantly. They knew her name, where she lived, and what she did all. People loved Molly. Jack loved the care, concern and attention.

As fun as it is Jack started to miss his old life. Jack took the Jewel of Odan out the case he bought from the old woman. He held the Jewel in his left hand, closed his eyes, and thought of the person he wanted to be, his old self. But nothing happened. Jack returned to the antique shop and questioned the old woman. She informed Jack the Jewel of Odan only works in one direction: once a girl, always a girl. Molly still smiles all the time so it must not be all that bad.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Vortexes or Vortices: You're Still a Girl

People forgot about the vortex risk when months go by without an incident. Men wander far away from shielded areas even though the risks are well documented: if hit by a vortex, men transformed into women. Alex, like most men, took no heed of the vortex problem. Out of sight, out of mind.

Alex felt the vortex risk was small and he was right. Vortexes coming out of space are rare and when they strike only a small number of men are affected. Alex grew tired of living in the shielded part of his home. He wanted to take his girlfriend, Beth, out on the town. And so he did.

Alex took Beth to the nightclub and enjoyed an evening of friends, dance and drink. Alex, Beth and their friends left at closing. In the parking lot people started looking up at the sky pointing to a blue glowing light growing larger each second. Someone yelled, “VORTEX!” The men started to scramble. This part of town has no shielded shelters so the men were defenseless.

Alex knew there was nothing he could do. He held Beth’s hand and watched as the vortex sped closer. It was clear the vortex was very small as it approached. It moved so fast it was impossible to calculate a move out of the way. Alex looked down and closed his eyes. He heard a hum as the vortex raced by. A gasp went up from the crowd. Alex opened his eyes to see everyone looking at him, Beth still holding his hands. Alex was the only victim.

Beth hurried Alex home and reported the vortex incident. Alex was given a new identity immediately. Beth printed out his new papers with his name: Rhonda. Alex looked at Beth and said, “Will you still love now that I’m a girl?” Beth smiled and kissed her best friend passionately, then said, “What do you think?”

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Severance Package

Carlin knew the job was a challenge when he signed the employment contract. What he did not expect is how long three years could be. He was exhausted and worn out from the never-ending hours of stressful work. Breaking the contract was out of the question; the severance clause contained punitive measures to keep all contract employees right where they were.

As the months wore on and the complete breakdown of his body from twenty hour workdays accumulated, the severance clause was not looking so bad. Carlin had no choice. He submitted his resignation. His supervisor smiled. He was taken to a room where he was asked to sit on a pedestal. A girly light ripped out of the ceiling. Carlin’s flesh melted away until all that remains is what you see here. Betsy’s resignation was accepted.

Anyone else want to tender their resignation?

Tuesday, July 4, 2017